The secrets of harmonious, collaborative consortium: Interview with Nicolas Ranger
Since its foundation, Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes has favoured a collective rather than individualist approach, which has led to a collaborative culture within the firm that enables it to work with other architecture firms to complete high-caliber projects.
This philosophy has prepared the firm to manage both large teams and consortium partnerships. The first such partnership was with Dimakopoulos & Associés for the Université du Québec à Montréal campus, a collaboration that spanned twenty years. The notoriety Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes acquired through this project led to numerous other major projects in the fields of education, healthcare, transportation, culture, and research.
How do you facilitate collaboration in a consortium?
This is the topic of an interview with senior associate architect Nicolas Ranger for the podcast series C'est quoi tes plans?, launched in June by the Association des architectes en pratique privée du Québec (AAPPQ). Since joining the firm twenty-three years ago, Nicolas has worked on no fewer than twenty projects in consortium. To date, he has also completed more than fifteen construction management and fast-track projects in collaboration with most of Quebec’s major contractors. Sensitive to the spirit of dialogue and openness inherent in large multidisciplinary teams, he has developed expertise in the design of complex public projects involving numerous stakeholders.
Listen to the interview to discover why consortiums are formed for certain types of projects, the benefits they can bring to a project, and how to ensure healthy collaboration. This eighth episode of C’est quoi tes plans? is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
**About the episode "Cultivating Collaboration in a Consortium"*
With the right tools and methods for collaboration, it’s possible to effectively navigate the complexity of multiple companies working sporadically on the same project. With practical advice, senior associate architect Nicolas Ranger of Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes teaches you, among other things, how to foster harmonious collaboration in the context of a project led by a consortium. (AAPPQ)

About the C’est quoi tes plans? podcast series
In a world of constant change, the architectural profession is pushed to evolve, adapting to the flow of new realities in our society. From talent management to climate change to digital communications, this podcast series hosted by Vanessa Destiné looks at the human, entrepreneurial, and professional challenges facing architects. (AAPPQ)