Montréal métro's Côte-Vertu underground garage and access buildings
Inaugurated in June 2022, the underground garage for parking and maintenance of the Azur trains connected to the Côte-Vertu Station (designed by the firm in 1986) allows the addition of trains on the orange line, thereby increasing the frequency of service during rush hour. The construction of this infrastructure will support the increase in ridership on this line and the growth of the service offer with the extension of the blue line. Above ground, three buildings provide access to the garage and support its operations. The first one is three-storeys high and located directly above the garage. It is the main access point for employees and house mechanical rooms. The two other ancillary structures are for emergency exits and to access a mechanical ventilation unit. The project was recognized by an Envision Platinum Award, a first in Canada for a public transit project.
Bisson Fortin
350 M$
2016 — 2022

Built almost entirely underground, the garage includes the construction of 10 parking and maintenance lanes for subway trains. On the surface, three buildings provide access to the garage and allow its operation. The work of the architectural team —STGM / Jodoin Lamarre Pratte / Bisson Fortin architects in consortium— was not limited to this, as they participated in the entire project: technical, work and rest areas; accesses, hardware, wrought-metal structures, all of which are necessary for the proper functioning of the garage.